Internet Treasures

Amazing Grace Amazing Brithday Contest Results
The Amazing Grace Amazing Birthday Contest already ended and here are the winners:
1st Prize : CACAI M,S PLACE
$50 Cash thru Paypal
5,000 EC Credits
2 Domains with Webhosting
2nd Prize : VETA897
$ 30 Cash thru Paypal
2,000 EC Credits
1 Domain with Webhosting
3rd Prize : SUSHII.INFO
$ 20 Cash thru Paypal
2,ooo EC Credits
1 Domain with Webshosting
2,000 EC Credits
1 Domain with Webhosting
5th Prize : K.I.S.S.
1,000 EC Credits
1 Domain with Webhosting
Congratulations to all the winners!

Internet Treasures: September 2010 - Amazing Grace Amazing Brithday Contest Results

Thanks For The Support
To everyone who left a comment in my post "Self-Host Your Blog Giveaway", thank you very much! I had won free domain and web hosting from the said contest.
Again, many thanks!!!

Judi's My Complete 300th Post Giveaway
Judi of Cranberry Blossom is having a giveaway and here are the wonderful stuff that she's sharing:
The items are: a handmade mosaic china mirror, handmade Rose Delight soap with embedded rose petals, handmade necklace made with Swarovski crystals, pretty little postcards (with envelopes) in Fall colours and a set of 3 Halloween kitchen towels.
If you'd like to join as well, just click on the picture above and it will lead you to the giveaway rules and mechanics page at Cranberry Blossom.

Internet Treasures: September 2010 - Judi's My Complete 300th Post Giveaway

Web Hosting Promo and Giveaways
If you're planning to buy your own domain and are looking for a web host, check out the following promo codes from various web hosting sites.

Internet Treasures: September 2010 - Web Hosting Promo and Giveaways

Self-Host Your Blog Giveaway
Are you currently using a free blogging service like WordPress.Com and Blogger.Com but would like take control of your blog by self-hosting it? Join the "Self-Host Your Blog Giveaway" from WPWebHost and win a free Wordpress compatible hosting plan with free domain name.
Yes, it's quite easy to win a WPWebHost 1 year Rookie Plan with FREE domain name (that is 1GB space and 5GB/mo bandwidth). Blogging about the contest is a start but to get the complete details and contest mechanics, just visit this link: Self-Host Your Blog Giveaway.
This giveaway ends on September 30, 2010 so you better hurry.
Disclosure: This post serves as Internet Treasures' entry to the contest. If you would like to join, just click the logo above and it will lead you to the contest mechanics page.

Internet Treasures: September 2010 - Self-Host Your Blog Giveaway

Simply The Best Birthday Gift Contest!
Going out of town and enjoying the day just relaxing or bonding with my family - anything that makes the day different from my usual routine - will probably be a great birthday gift for me. However, XLeon specifically said that it's not an option so I'd probably settle for the latest book of my favorite author. But I still insist on my first suggestion. Doing something out of the extraordinary is so special and heartwarming and the "gift of time" is so priceless especially if it's from a busy person.
You probably are wondering about what I'm blabbering above. It's actually my answer to XLeon's online contest entitled "Simply The Best Birthday Gift Contest" which he is hosting at his blog, XLeon Tips. He needs some suggestions or idea for the best birthday gift to his beloved wife who'll be turning 33 years old.
The prizes are the following:
1st Prize:
- $20 Paypal + 3000 EC + Ad Space for 2 months + Blog / Site Review - XLEONTIPS
- $5 PayPal + 5000 EC + Ad Space for 1 month - Pinay Mom
- 3000 EC + Ad Sponsor 1 month - Blog de Manila
- 3000 EC + Ad Sponsor 1 month - World Travel and Vacation
- 2000 EC + Ad Space for 2 months - Online Mommy's Corner
- Ad Space for 2 months - Obstacles and Glories
2nd Prize
- $10 Paypal + 1000 EC (XLEONTIPS: Ad Space for 2 months + Blog / Site Review )
- $5 Paypal + Ad Space for 1 month - Stay at Home Blessings
- 3000 EC + Ad Space for 1 month - Kaya mo Pinoy
3rd Prize
- $5 PayPal + 500 EC (XLEONTIPS: Ad Space for 1 month + Blog / Site Review )
- $5 PayPal + Ad Space - Make Money Online
- 3000 EC + Ad Space for 1 month - Philipine USANA
- Ad Space for 1 month - One Proud Mama
Special Prize for Top EC dropper
- 500 EC + (XLEONTIPS: Ad Space for 1 month)
Special Prize for Top Referrer
- 7 Day Ad Gift Card at Adgitize
Disclosure: This post serves as Internet Treasures' entry to the contest. If you would like to join, just click the logo above and it will lead you to the contest mechanics page.

Internet Treasures: September 2010 - Simply The Best Birthday Gift Contest!

8 Kids DVDs from The Cookie Jar Company Giveaway
Jerinda of 3 Garnets & 2 Sapphires is holding another giveaway and this time, she'll be giving out 8 kids DVDs which has an actual retail value of $80 from The Cookie Jar Company.
It's quite easy to join. As long as you're in the US , have a valid email address and at least 18 years of age, you're in! Just browse the selection of kids shows on DVD that's being offered by The Cookie Jar Company then a leave a comment in her site about the title of the show you or your child would like the best.
There are other ways to gain extra points such as commenting on posts, subscribing, blogging about the contest and more. For the full mechanics, proceed to the contest page by clicking the logo below.
Disclosure: This post serves as Internet Treasures' entry to the contest. If you would like to join, just click the logo above and it will lead you to the contest mechanics page.

Internet Treasures: September 2010 - 8 Kids DVDs from The Cookie Jar Company Giveaway