
Burn’s Birthday Bash Contest

Burn will be having a nirthday bash contest and here are the exciting prizes:

First Prize:
$ 30 via paypal
1000 EC credits
3 months 125×125 Ad Space
3 pcs. of lipgloss

2nd Prize
$ 20 dollars via paypal
500 EC Credits
2 months Ads Space 125x 125
2 pcs. lip gloss

3rd Prize
$10 dollars via paypal
200 EC credits
1 month space 125 x 125

This contest is brought to us by the following sponsors:

Slogged Over LeisureMapeh OrgLumad BasakanonBabycoy


Thoughts, Ideas, and Resources Cacai Steps and Journey Cacai M’s Place Me and My Passion Dias Family Spot Life’s Perception and Inspirations Chuchies hideaway Scrap Collection Woman Elan Vital My Wishlist Lifestyle and homemaking Mom’s ConversationMAPEH Homepage Pink Go Green In Pursuit of Success Shy Mixed Thoughts Nursing Uniforms

For more information on how to join, just click on the banner below.

Disclosure: This post serves as Internet Treasure's entry to the contest.