Burn’s Birthday Bash Contest
Burn will be having a nirthday bash contest and here are the exciting prizes:
First Prize:
$ 30 via paypal
1000 EC credits
3 months 125×125 Ad Space
3 pcs. of lipgloss
2nd Prize
$ 20 dollars via paypal
500 EC Credits
2 months Ads Space 125x 125
2 pcs. lip gloss
3rd Prize
$10 dollars via paypal
200 EC credits
1 month space 125 x 125
This contest is brought to us by the following sponsors:
♥ Slogged Over Leisure☺ Mapeh Org ♥ Lumad Basakanon ♥ Babycoy♥
♥ Thoughts, Ideas, and Resources ♥ Cacai Steps and Journey♥ Cacai M’s Place ♥ Me and My Passion ♥ Dias Family Spot ♥ Life’s Perception and Inspirations♥ Chuchies hideaway♥ Scrap Collection♥ Woman Elan Vital ♥ My Wishlist ♥ Lifestyle and homemaking ♥ Mom’s Conversation♥ MAPEH Homepage♥ Pink Go Green ♥ In Pursuit of Success ♥ Shy Mixed Thoughts ♥ Nursing Uniforms
For more information on how to join, just click on the banner below.
Disclosure: This post serves as Internet Treasure's entry to the contest.