
Thirty on 30 Changes in My Life Contest

Mhel of Blank Pixels is hosting the Thirty on 30 "Changes in My Life" Contest to celebrate her 30th birthday and Just Another Pixel's second anniversary. A lot of exciting prizes are up for grabs

"Changes in My Life" Blog-Writing Prizes
First Prize: $40.00 Paypal cash
Second Prize: $25.00 Paypal cash
Third Prize: $15.00 Paypal cash
PLUS surprise special award/s
    Favorite Sponsor Blog Post Blog Writing Prizes:
    3 Winners of $10.00 Paypal cash for BEST POST
      First Comments Raffle Prizes
      3 Winners of $10.00 Paypal cash
        Thirty on 30 Raffle Prizes
        3 Winners of Real Love Shirts
        3 Winners of Php 500 SM/Sodexho Gift Certificates  
        3 Winners of Php 500 SMS Prepaid Load
        3 Winners of Php 200 SMS Prepaid Load
        3 Winners od 30-day Adgitize advertising
        3 Winners of Blog Makeovers 
        1 Winner of One-Year Blog Hosting Package

          Exciting right? You can check out the contest mechanics by clicking the banner below.

          blankPixels' Thirty on 30 Blog Contest to celebrate her 30th birthday and Just Another Pixel's second anniversary!

          This contest is brought to us by the following generous sponsors:

          Primary Sponsors

          Everything Nice!News Break OnlineFat Girl No MoreWritten by Mys
          My Thoughts, My Heart, My TurfZoWandererJust the Tip of an IceBerg
          Just About AnythingBlogger ManilaDress Up Your BlogsPinay Mom
          Certified FoodiesPinay Online Money MakerPinay Reviewer

          Secondary Sponsors

          Georyl: Blogging with my HeartPop Ups of My MindBlog TacticGrace in Creative Life

          General Sponsors

          Make Money Online and BeyondOne Proud MommaLover MushroomPlate and MePaula's HomeMake More Money OnlineThe Miscellaneous MeHere, There and EverywhereTravels and ExplorationsMusings of LifeKharen's CornerIt's KhaNoypistuffJennyholic, Confession of an AddictDeej SpeaksTechie ThingsCups and LowercaseLive for LiveExperience of a Super MomSharing my ThoughtsYashiro's JournalTable for FiveInternet Cafe BlogblankPixels – The Geek Side

          Disclosure: This post serves as Internet Treasures' entry to the contest.